Is self-interest, in-fighting and selection politics creating divisions in our cricket clubs? Rich Evans tackles a touchy subject in issue 11 of Wisden Cricket Monthly.

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“It needs someone to steer the ship, while dealing with all the politics, personalities and egos. Slowly but surely it eats away at you” – My club chairman

When we plot grassroots cricket’s resurgence, we theorise over formatting issues, time factors and teenage turn-off, but club disputes and divisions – chiefly the politics of selection and integration, personality clashes and one-eyed
motives – have been largely ignored.

Are there factions in your cricket club? Are your skippers weary of – or specialists in – the dark arts of selection? Do too many members place personal reward ahead of collective goals? Declining numbers are largely ascribed to the game’s innate foot-dragging when adjusting to outside forces, but what about the internal bleeding – the forces at play that we can influence?

Ego-management and arbitration is a large part of the cricket chairman’s role. “There’s a lot of strong personalities who tend to end up in committee positions,” my club’s leader says. “The challenge is to ensure you put the club first and set the right strategy for the club. It’s very easy to do the wrong thing because of pressure from strong personalities.

“Committee members hold a lot of sway – they’re very important. They build up their power, get more invested and make themselves indispensable, so a chairman’s job is to keep them sweet while adhering to the club development plan. If not, they may leave and jeopardise the future of the club. But some people allow self-interest to creep in and can be a bit one-eyed.”

While selection can be a tough job for the skipper, especially those at the bottom of the food chain, they aren’t all angels. They can collude behind the scenes to manufacture their best line-up to the detriment of a higher XI. Scan the teamsheets for your upcoming fixtures: Are your line-ups a fair reflection of the most talented/in-form balanced XI in descending order? Skippers often have a diamond up their sleeve that they conceal from the lordlier skipper above.

A club needs fluidity in team selection, but too much rotation makes it difficult for a player to become emotionally attached to an XI, and the very thing a club should promote – a sense of belonging – can be broken. Managing individual requests, egos and team objectives, while being mindful of the greater good, is a balancing act where equilibrium is almost impossible.

Utopia would be every player making themselves available for the club – not a team – but the modern club cricketer is a fragile, flaky soul. While clubs must attempt to cater to their members’ desires and players occupying a peripheral role (the ‘fill-in’) must be handled carefully, flat-out refusals to step up or down in a club’s time of need
can create factions.

Phil Mist, chairman of Bicester & North Oxford CC empathises: “There’s been lots of occasions in the last eight years where people have been dropped from the first XI and replaced by someone new to the club or coming up from the second team, and that person has just walked away. There has been a general attitude from a lot of first XI players of ‘I won’t play for the twos’, which is part of the merry-go-round.”

My club chairman weighs in: “It’s not true of our first XI, but in many clubs the first XI comprise the members who do the least and care the least for the club,” he said. “Particularly when you’re desperately trying to win promotion, you may recruit the types of players who aren’t going to be long-term members. The club’s not part of their DNA. They have no loyalty.”

Prodger adds: “You experience players arriving and departing en bloc, who go from club to club. One day they might run out, but there are enough clubs around us for that migrant movement to continue.”

The game is played and administrated by some wonderful people – it’s the people that keep us turning up, right? – but if split loyalties continue to divide clubs, if the migration movement persists, if the family disconnect continues, if the club constitution and selection policy remains a neglected pin-up on the pavilion noticeboard, and if poor attitudes continue to cause conflict – on and off the pitch, both within and between clubs – then where will that leave us?

It’s about modifying mindsets, but it’s not easy. As CLR James once wrote: “A particular generation of cricketers thinks in a certain way and only a change in society, not legislation, will change the prevailing style”. We can’t control societal factors and the gradual shrinking of the wider cricketing landscape, but we can inspire positive change at our own club, even if it’s just being more sympathetic to the broader perspective. In the current climate, grassroots cricket must have its soldiers pulling in the same direction. It can’t afford a civil war.